
11-April-2019: Virtual Reality Symposium: The Body, Self & Other, Herzliya, Israel

Oh-Man, Oh Machine

Published: Mars 6, 2019

Virtual reality (VR) is gradually becoming widely available as an indispensable tool for researchers, artists, social activists, and journalists. VR and related technologies – augmented reality and telepresence (referred to as XR) – offer new ways to explore the human mind, brain, and body, as well as (arguably) a tool with an unprecedented ability for persuasion and influence.

Research in the last decade has discovered the fascinating possibility to manipulate not only our external senses, but also our sense of body ownership, and with it the possibility of transforming our “self”, as well as our attitudes towards others. At the same time, popular culture heralds VR as the ultimate “empathy” machine, leading to a proliferation of projects aimed at making us more empathic to each other.

The goal of this symposium is to offer a multi-disciplinary perspective; we invite scholars from social and natural sciences and the humanities as well as artists, activists, or industry members, to suggest talks discussing the following or similar questions:

Keynote speaker: Prof Maria-Sanchez Vives, ICREA/IDIBAPS, co-founder of EventLab Barcelona (neuroscience and VR research) and Virtual Bodyworks

Organizers: Daniel Landau and Doron Friedman, IDC, Herzliya

Interim* program (subject to minor changes)

More details and registration via IDC website.

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