Author: Super User

CfP: Pedagogy – Taking Stock and Looking Forward

Call for Proposals — Pedagogy in Virtual Worlds – Ten Year perspective

Published: August 2, 2018

Abstract submission by August 20, with publication Q4-2018

A special issue on pedagogy and learning in immersive environments to be led by Dr. Kenneth Y T Lim, from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Motivation and Scope

2019 marks the tenth anniversary of a landmark issue of the Journal of Virtual Worlds Research, which was themed on ‘Pedagogy.’ Volume 2 Number 1 of the journal was the fruition of a vision of the late Leslie Jarmon. Dr. Jarmon was a pioneer academic in the use of virtual worlds and immersive environments for learning, and the issue at the time (2009) – was the cutting edge of academic thought on what the affordances of virtual worlds are, and how they could be leveraged for learning.

Much has changed since the heady days of the late 2000s, yet many aspects have proved enduring.

This issue aims to document both the present and emerging state-of-the-art, covering the adoption, design, enaction, scaling and translation of immersive and/or mixed-reality environments for learning, and in other contexts of education.

Topics that would be of relevance to this issue include, but are not limited to:

  • The use of virtual worlds and/or immersive environments for learning
  • Mixed-modality / mixed-reality learning environments
  • Augmented reality in contexts of education
  • Virtual reality in contexts of training and/or instruction
  • Emerging research / late-breaking research on such environments with respect to learning
  • Think-pieces on the future of virtual worlds / mixed-reality environments for learning
  • The scaling of such interventions and their translation into different contexts of learning

Submission instructions

This is a 2 phase submission process: abstracts and then the full paper.
Interested authors are requested to submit a 500-word abstract by Aug. 20, 2018, via email to [email protected] address. After review by the issue editors, authors of the accepted abstracts will be invited to submit original scholarly papers of 3000-5000 words (including footnotes, references, and appendices).
The guest editors are happy to discuss proposals for contributions, please contact Dr. Kenneth Lim at Kenneth.lim AT nie DOT edu DOT sg for questions prior to submission.

The full submissions should be made directly via the JVWR publishing system by October 20, 2018. For detailed instructions see > About JVWR > For Authors. All submissions will be peer reviewed using the JVWR double-open policy, which means that authors do not need to anonymize their papers, and reviewers’ identity is known to authors. See more details at  JVWR site –> About JVWR –> For Authors –> Our double-Open Policy.

Deadlines & timeline

Authors submit abstracts: August 20, 2018
Editors’ decision on abstracts: August 25, 2018
Authors submit full papers: October 20, 2018
Editors return final decision after review: November 15, 2018
Authors submit final revision: November 25, 2018
Publication: December 25, 2018

Note: Call for co-editors

Potential co-editors for this special issue are invited to approach the journal editorial team ([email protected]) with CV and a cover letter depicting your interest and background in Virtual Worlds. The co-editors assist in managing the review process, supervise the final publications, and distribute the news about the release – all using The JVWR internal state of the art publishing process.

Further Information

Please contact: [email protected]

The Journal of Virtual Worlds Research ( is an online, open access academic journal that engages a wide spectrum of scholarship and welcomes contributions from the various disciplines and approaches that intersect with virtual worlds research. Virtual worlds ignite a continuously evolving area of study that spans multiple disciplines and the JVWR editorial team looks forward to engaging a wide range of creative and scholarly research.

Assembled 2018 (Part 2)

The JVWR, Volume 11, No. 2

Published: August 1, 2018

Issue Editors:

Angie Cox, Trident University International

Edgardo Donovan, Trident University International

Miao Feng, NORC at the University of Chicago

Felipe Nunes, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

The second part of Assembled 2018 includes five studies demonstrating rigor over a vast variety of themes tethered to Virtual World use. Studying VR/AR technologies use & development, examining online storytelling forum threads in WoW, analyzing Africans’ representation in video games, investigating business and English classes’ use of Multiplayer-Online Games, and testing the use of a mixed reality environment with undergraduate special education students. This issue has been crafted to meet the expectations of researchers and practitioners.

Original Call: CfP Assembled 2018

Issue Editor Corner

Angie Marie Cox, Edgardo Donovan, Miao Feng, Felipe Nunes

Peer Reviewed Research Papers

Dreaming the Virtual: How Lucid Dream Practice Can Inform VR Development

Kevin Healey

Virtual Sense of Community in a World of Warcraft® Storytelling Open Forum Thread

Dean Anthony Fabi Gui

Representations of Africans in Popular Video Games in the U.S

Rebecca Y. Bayeck, Tutaleni I. Asino, Patricia A. Young

Gaming the Performance: Massively Multiplayer Online Games and Performance Outcomes in English and Business Courses

Papia Bawa, Sunnie Lee Watson, William Watson

Mixed-Reality Teaching Experiences Improve Preservice Special Education Students’ Perceptions of their Ability to Manage a Classroom

Melissa E. Hudson, Karen S. Voytecki, Guili Zhang

CfP: Assembled 2018

Call for Papers

Published: January 14, 2018

A Quick Turnaround Call for Papers – Assembled 2018 issue

Note: this is a good opportunity for authors for a quick turnaround of papers with February 2018 decisions and April 2018 publication.

The Journal of Virtual Worlds Research ( is an online, open access academic journal that engages a wide spectrum of scholarship and welcomes contributions from the various disciplines and approaches that intersect with virtual worlds research. Virtual worlds ignite a continuously evolving area of study that spans multiple disciplines and the JVWR editorial team looks forward to engaging a wide range of creative and scholarly research.

Motivation and Scope

The Assembled issue is a place for various papers, on the topic of the journal – that are being collected during the year and published usually once a year.

Authors who would like to submit directly to the ‘Assembled’ issue should do so by adding the words “submitted for Assembled” in the “Comments for Editor” on the 1st step of the submitting process.

Possible topics include, but are not limited to:

  • 3D fun
  • Mini robots
  • Social networks that change our mind
  • Artificial limbs
  • New forms of hardware
  • Augmented and mixed environments
  • Wearable
  • User generated content
  • 3D printing
  • Visual data streaming
  • Immersive technologies
  • Shopping from home
  • Projections of the real
  • Wireless people
  • Portable friends
  • The Internet of Things
  • Virtual currencies
  • E-readers
  • And more

See past Assembled issues

Submission Instructions

Authors are invited to submit original scholarly papers of 3000-5000 words including footnotes, references, and appendices. Interested authors should submit a full paper by the deadline indicated below. All submissions should be made via the JVWR publishing system (see > About JVWR > For Authors). All submissions will be peer reviewed. Accepted papers will be published online in the Volume 11, Number 1 (2018) of the Journal.

Deadlines and Timetable

Issue editor(s) are to be announced.
If you wish to enhance your editing experience with this quick turnaround issue – please send email request with CV to #TheJVWR coordinating editor at [email protected]

January 30, 2018: Authors submit full paper
February 10, 2018: Editors return initial decision
March 10, 2018: Authors submit final revision
March 25, 2018: Camera ready
April 2018: Publication

Special Note:

The review phase for the Assembled 2018 made it clear that we have many good papers that deserve publishing. As we publish only 5-6 manuscripts on one issue, it was decided the assembled 2018 will be divided into two parts.

Here is the timetable for part 2:
May 30, 2018: Authors submit full revision
July 25, 2018: Camera ready
August 2018: Publication

Further Information

Please contact: [email protected]

Assembled 2018 (Part 1)

The JVWR, Volume 11, No. 1

Published: April 11, 2018

Issue Editors

Angie Cox, Trident University International

Edgardo Donovan, Trident University International

Miao Feng, NORC at the University of Chicago

Felipe Nunes, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

This issue includes five exciting research studies covering a broad and diverse array of topic areas but still focuses on the enhancement of knowledge in the realm of Virtual Worlds. In essence, the name of the issue ‘Assembled,’ defines the wide spectrum of professionally peer-reviewed articles inspired by subject matter experts in their respective fields. The five elite manuscripts chosen for this issue provide significant contributions to Virtual World research in terms of theory, methodology, and practice.

Original Call: CfP: Assembled 2018

Issue Editor Corner


Angie Marie Cox, Edgardo Donovan, Miao Feng, Felipe Nunes

Peer Reviewed Research Papers

Virtual Parent-Child Relationships: A Case Study

Steven Downing

One Game – One Effect? What Playing “World of Warcraft” Means for Adolescents and Their Development

Florian Flueggen, Stephanie Doyle, Hermann Veith

Immersive Storytelling in 360-Degree Videos: An Analysis of Interplay Between Narrative and Technical Immersion

Ahmed Elmezeny, Nina Edenhofer, Jeffrey Wimmer

Avatar Sex – the Joy of the Not-Real

Peter F Wardle

Using 3D Worlds in Prison: Driving, Learning and Escape

Helen Sara Farley

CfP: General Call for Papers

An all-time open call

Published: June 2011. Updated: August 2018

The Journal of Virtual Worlds Research ( is an online, open access academic journal that engages a wide spectrum of scholarship. We welcome contributions from the many disciplines and approaches that intersect with virtual worlds’ research.

Motivation and Scope

The Assembled issue is a place for various papers, on the topic of the journal – that are being collected during the year and published usually once a year.

Authors who would like to submit directly to the ‘Assembled’ issue should do so by adding the words “submitted for Assembled” in the “Comments for Editor” on the 1st step of the submitting process.

Possible topics include, but are not limited to

  • 3D fun
  • Mini robots
  • Social networks that change our mind
  • Artificial limbs
  • New forms of hardware
  • Augmented and mixed environments
  • Wearables
  • User generated content
  • 3D printing
  • Visual data streaming
  • Immersive technologies
  • Shopping from home
  • Projections of the real
  • Wireless people
  • Portable friends
  • The Internet of Things
  • Virtual currencies
  • E-readers
  • And more

See past Assembled issues

Assembled 2018 (2)

Deadlines and Timetable

An open call – submit any time.

Further Information

  • For inquiries and requests please contact: [email protected]
  • If you wish to be considered as an editor for an Assembled issue, please refer to “For Issue Editors” section on our website and email us your suggestion with CV.

EVE Online

The JVWR, Volume 10, No. 3

Published: 4 January, 2018

Issue editors:

Kelly Bergstrom, University of Hawai’i at Mānoa, USA

Marcus Carter, The University of Sydney, Australia.

This special issue in the Journal of Virtual Worlds Research highlights the ways that EVE scholarship has matured. A sub-discipline within a sub-discipline, writing about EVE no longer focuses just on what makes this particular MMOG so different to the more mainstream online games and virtual worlds, but now describes in fascinating depth the elements of this virtual world that have taken 15 years of play to develop. As guest editors, we are excited to share this collection as these five articles exemplify the contributions that EVE Online scholarship will continue to make long into the future.

Original Call: CfP: EVE Online

Issue Editor Corner


Kelly Bergstrom, Marcus Carter

Peer Reviewed Research Papers

Making Science Fiction Real: Neoliberalism, Real-Life and Esports in Eve Online

Mark Richard Johnson, Robert Mejia 

Scaling Technoliberalism for Massively Multiplayer Online Games

Aleena Chia

To Win at Life: Tradition and Chinese Modernities in EVE Online

Richard Page

Is Betrayal in EVE Online Unethical?

Ian Gregory Brooks

Barbarians at the Imperium Gates: Organizational Culture and Change in EVE Online

Nick Webber, Oskar Milik

Real Virtual Relationships

The JVWR, Volume 10, No. 2

Published: September 16, 2017

Issue editors:

Richard E. Ferdig, Kent State University, USA

Kristine E. Pytash, Kent State University, USA

Glenn W. Muschert, Miami University, USA.

We live in an era of digitally-mediated relationships. From finding a spouse online to daily interactions facilitated through social media, many people build and sustain both platonic and romantic relationships with technology. Virtual worlds are also spaces for these interactions. This special issue is dedicated to an exploration of such topics in a collection of articles exploring “real virtual relationships.”

Original Call: CfP: Relationships

Issue Editor Corner

The Recursive Relationship between Virtual and Real in Relationships

Richard E. Ferdig, Kristine E. Pytash, Glenn W. Muschert

Peer Reviewed Research Papers

Virtually Together: Examining Pre-Existing Relationships in MMOG Play

Kelly Bergstrom, Jennifer Jenson, Suzanne de Castell, Nicholas Taylor

De-Roling from Experiences and Identities in Virtual Worlds

Stefano Gualeni, Daniel Vella, Johnathan Harrington

Empathy with Non-Player Characters? An Empirical approach to the Foundations of Human/Non-Human Relationships

Jonathan Harth

Harsh Words and Deeds: Systematic Content Analyses of Offensive* User Behavior in the Virtual Environments of Online First-Person Shooter Games

Adrienne Holz Ivory, James D. Ivory, Winston Wu, Anthony M. Limperos, Nathaniel Andrew, Brandon S. Sesler

Not Playing the Game: Negative Opinions about Online Dating and Video Gaming among Non-Participants

Max Marc

CfP: Mind

Call for Editors and Papers on “Augmented Mind”

Published: August 4, 2017

Call for a prime editor, co-editor(s), and papers on “Augmented Mind”, for a special issue of the Journal of Virtual Worlds Research to be published 2018 Q2.

The JVWR seeks to develop a special issue dedicated to an exploration of the Mindas an umbrella concept of research with relations to virtual worlds.

Suggested topics may include but are not limited to the following concepts:

  • Mindfulness
  • Flow
  • New ways of teaching
  • Psychology
  • Digital media studies
  • Games of the mind
  • Relevant hardware
  • EEG / fMRI

Call for Prime and Co- Editors:

We are looking for a prime guest editor (with potentially one co-editor) to manage the process. This is a great opportunity to influence the state of our field.

You will:

  • Develop a detailed call
  • Review and decide on abstracts and full papers
  • Coordinate reviewers
  • Use our publication system — extensively (be versed also with Google docs, Skype, and other current tools.)
  • Be a deadline-targeted & taking-charge person.
  • Work as single editor or add one or more co-editors.
  • Able to write a short intro including your view / vision / insight on the field.
  • Get the academic credit as an editor.

Please reply by August 15, 2018, to [email protected] with an academic CV and a cover letter listing your publishing and editing experience.

If you have colleagues who may be interested in becoming editors or co-editors, please feel free to forward this call further.

Call for Papers:

For papers, kindly email your ideas on the topic, abstracts, or send us your feedback. This will also help us develop the call.

Deadlines and Timeline:

To be announced

Full papers will be reviewed by expert referees using the JVWR double-open policy. Double-open policy means that in general, authors do not need to anonymize their papers, and reviewers’ identities are also known to authors. For more details about it see JVWR site –> About JVWR –> For Authors –> Our double-Open Policy.

Further Information:

The Journal of Virtual Worlds Research (#TheJVWR) ( is an online, open access academic journal that engages a wide spectrum of scholarship. We welcome contributions from the many disciplines and approaches that intersect with virtual worlds research.

Subscribe to receive announcements about new calls and issues.

For additional information about the journal, please contact: [email protected]

Assembled 2017

The JVWR, Volume 10, No. 1

Published: 31 May, 2017

Issue editor:

Victoria McArthur, University of Toronto, Canada

The 2017 Assembled issue of the Journal of Virtual Worlds Research is a collection of four interdisciplinary research papers, representing the diversity that is “virtual worlds.” They represent a field that truly is ‘assembled’ – emerging from and supported by passionate scholars from various intellectual backgrounds.

Original Call: CfP: Assembled 2017

Issue Editor Corner


Victoria McArthur

Peer Reviewed Research Papers

Internet Research in Online Environments for Children: Readability of Privacy and Terms of Use Policies; The Uses of (Non)Personal Data by Online Environments and Third-Party Advertisers

Olesya Venger

Using Google Trends Data to Gauge Interest in Virtual Worlds

Anthony Crider, Jessica Torrez-Riley

Virtual Worlds, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality: Differences in Purchase Intentions Based on Types, Users, and Sex

Angie marie cox, Indira Guzman, Sikha Bagui, Kenneth Cromer

Levelling Up: Minors’ Play in a Closed-system MMOG

Jennifer Jenson, Suzanne de Castell, Victoria McArthur, Stephanie Fisher