Category: Events

Virtual worlds related events

We connect with relevant virtual worlds’ events to advance the agenda of high-level research. If you would like to cooperate with JVWR regarding an event, please contact [email protected]

11-April-2019: Virtual Reality Symposium: The Body, Self & Other, Herzliya, Israel

Oh-Man, Oh Machine

Published: Mars 6, 2019

Virtual reality (VR) is gradually becoming widely available as an indispensable tool for researchers, artists, social activists, and journalists. VR and related technologies – augmented reality and telepresence (referred to as XR) – offer new ways to explore the human mind, brain, and body, as well as (arguably) a tool with an unprecedented ability for persuasion and influence.

Research in the last decade has discovered the fascinating possibility to manipulate not only our external senses, but also our sense of body ownership, and with it the possibility of transforming our “self”, as well as our attitudes towards others. At the same time, popular culture heralds VR as the ultimate “empathy” machine, leading to a proliferation of projects aimed at making us more empathic to each other.

The goal of this symposium is to offer a multi-disciplinary perspective; we invite scholars from social and natural sciences and the humanities as well as artists, activists, or industry members, to suggest talks discussing the following or similar questions:

  • Embodiment and re-embodiment in VR
  • XR as a tool for transforming the self
  • XR and empathy
  • Immersive journalism
  • XR as a tool for social science research
  • XR as a tool for social activism and art
  • XR as a tool for human neuroscience

Keynote speaker: Prof Maria-Sanchez Vives, ICREA/IDIBAPS, co-founder of EventLab Barcelona (neuroscience and VR research) and Virtual Bodyworks

Organizers: Daniel Landau and Doron Friedman, IDC, Herzliya

Interim* program (subject to minor changes)

More details and registration via IDC website.

26-May-2019: Semantic 3D 2019, Genova, Italy

The 1st Eurographics-EuroVR Workshop on Semantic 3D Content

The 1st Eurographics-EuroVR Workshop on Semantic 3D Content(Semantic 3D 2019), sponsored by the EuroVR Association, will address an extensive range of research, development, and practice related to the use of the semantic web for representation, creation, visualization and maintenance of 3D content and animations. The goal of the workshop is to share innovative and creative ideas that enable development of semantic 3D applications for a wide range of 3D environments, including the web, mobile as well as virtual and augmented reality (VR & AR) setups.

Works related to various application domains, including e-commerce, education, cultural heritage, entertainment and infotainment, social media, tourism, medicine, military, industry and construction (and many others) are welcome. The approaches will be considered in the context of building scalable, pervasive 3D/VR/AR systems using different semantic web (e.g., RDF, RDFS and OWL) and rule-based standards, 3D formats and browsers. Finally, common fields of interest and opportunities of future collaboration will be identified and discussed.

The workshop attempts to foster and support the increasing development, use, and utility of semantic 3D technologies for researchers, application developers, domain experts as well as for end users. This includes semantic creation of interactive 3D content, robust and versatile semantic 3D content representation and delivery standards as well as semantic presentation and interaction techniques enabling development of user-friendly 3D/VR/AR applications.

The main topics of the workshop include, but are not limited to:

  • Ontologies for 3D and animation annotation, representation and retrieval
  • Semantic metadata for 3D and animation description
  • Ontologies based on 3D formats
  • Semantic 3D formats, including semantic X3D
  • Domain-specific ontologies for 3D description and representation
  • Semantic modeling and assembly of 3D content
  • Semantic methods and tools for on-demand, adaptive and contextual 3D visualization and generation
  • Semantic and contextual 3D/VR/AR web services
  • Semantic queries to 3D scenes and 3D content repositories
  • Semantics for immersive analytics in 3D
  • Semantic representation and modeling of 3D animations and interactions
  • Ontologies for multimodal interaction in VR/AR
  • Semantic representation and modeling of 3D content behavior
  • Explorable VR/AR applications and queryable behavior-rich VR/AR applications
  • Semantic 3D/VR/AR web applications
  • Semantic 3D graph annotations
  • Novel interactive semantic 3D applications in all areas and sectors, e.g., entertainment, education, training, cultural heritage, medicine, military, smart-manufacturing / industry 4.0, information visualization, scientific visualization, geo-visualization, building information modeling (BIM), and architecture.


PAPERS presenting original work in 3D/VR/AR research and application may be submitted in a long or short form according to the EG requirements. Submissions will be peer-reviewed. Accepted papers will be included in the Eurographics Digital Library.

POSTERS present results of ongoing or recently completed work in 3D/VR/AR research and application. The poster format offers the opportunity to interactively present and discuss interesting results to the EG community. Posters should be submitted in the form of abstracts (2 pages) according to the EG requirements.

DEMONSTRATIONS enable 3D content designers and developers to share their innovative 3D works at the workshop. Semantic 3D applications developed for various domains and platforms, including the web, desktop, mobile and VR/AR systems, are welcome. Demonstrations should be submitted in the form of short descriptions (2 pages).

Questions about the program, workshop topics and submissions can be sent to [email protected].

Important dates

Workshop date: May 6, 2019
Early registration: April 6, 2019

Paper/poster/demonstration submission deadline extended: March 10, 2019
Acceptance notification: March 24, 2019
Camera-ready paper/poster/demonstration submission: April 2, 2019

Organizing Committee

Jakub Flotyński, Poznań University of Economics and Business, Poland
Patrick Bourdot, Computer Science Laboratory for Mechanics and Engineering Sciences, France
Marc Erich Latoschik, University of Wuerzburg, Germany
Krzysztof Walczak, Poznań University of Economics and Business, Poland

The workshop is organized in connection to the project of the Polish National Science Centre (NCN) nr DEC-2012/07/B/ST6/01523.


9:00-10:30Semantic 3D Paper Session 1
10:30-11:00Coffee break
11:00-12:30Semantic 3D Paper Session 2
13:30-15:00Semantics for VR/AR/MR & 3D Interactions
15:00-15:30Coffee break
15:30-17:00Semantic X3D
17:00-18:00Poster Session

More information can be found on the conference website.

20-22 June 2018: The 23rd International ACM Conference on 3D Web Technology, Poznań, Poland

More details at the Web3D conference website.

Call for papers and registration

In the early years they were called VRML Symposium, then Web3D Symposium and now Web3D Conference.
It’s a conference on 3D Web Technology addressing an extensive range of research, development, and practice related to Web-based 3D Graphic. It unites researchers, developers, entrepreneurs, experimenters, artists and content creators in a dynamic learning environment. Attendees share and explore methods of using, enhancing and creating new 3D Web and Multimedia technologies.

The conference also focuses on recent trends in interactive 3D graphics, information integration and usability in the wide range of Web3D applications from mobile devices to high-end immersive environments.

May 30 – June 1, 2018: 9th Augmented World Expo (AWE USA), Santa Clara, California

AWE (Augmented World Expo) is the world’s most essential AR+VR conference and expo, with annual dates in the USA, Asia, Israel and Europe, as well as meetup chapters around the world. AWE brings together a diverse mix of CEOs, CTOs, designers, developers, creative agencies, futurists, analysts, investors, founders and top press in a one-of-a-kind opportunity to learn, inspire, partner, and experience first-hand the most exciting industry of our times.

See more about AWE here:

December 9-10, 2017: 3DV – Opensimulator Community Conference, OSCC Conference Grid Online

The Opensimulator Community Conference is an annual conference that focuses on the user community and developers of the OpenSimulator software. This virtual conference features two days of presentations, workshops, and keynote sessions, along with community and social events, that spotlight the technical, scholarly, artistic, commercial, and community produced works across diverse sectors of the OpenSimulator user base.

More details here.

October 10-12, 2017: 3DV – International Conference on 3D Vision, Qingdao, China

The 5th international conference on 3D Vision will be held in Qingdao, China, on October 10th-12th 2017. Since 2013, under the name 3DV (3D Vision), the event has provided a premier platform for disseminating research results covering a broad variety of topics in the area of 3D research in computer vision and graphics, from novel optical sensors, signal processing, geometric modeling, representation and transmission, to visualization and interaction, and a variety of applications.

Call for Papers

Submission deadline: July 19th, 2017- 23:59 PT (GMT + 8)

Updated information can be found on the conference web site.

June 5-7, 2017: 3D Web Technology – 22nd International Conference

2017 will be a historic year for 3D on the Web. We are seeing the explosion of WebVR and the potential of WebAR just around the corner. With WebGL now widely supported by default in modern browsers, tools such as X3D, X3DOM, Cobweb, three.js, glTF, and A-Frame VR are allowing nearly anyone to create Web3D content. Commercial game engines such as Unity and Unreal are starting to offer ways to export and publish directly to Web3D.

The conference will explore topics including: research on simulation and training using Web3D, enabling technology of web-aware, interactive 3D graphics from mobile devices up to high-end immersive environments, and the use of ubiquitous multimedia across a wide range of applications and environments. For example:

  • 3D Printing and 3D Scanning
  • CAD and Advanced Manufacturing
  • Education and E-learning
  • Collaboration and Annotation
  • Tourism and Accessibility
  • Gaming and Entertainment
  • Creativity and Digital Art
  • Public Sector (Open Government)
  • Open Web Platform Integration
  • Virtual Reality (VR)
  • Mixed and Augmented Reality (MR/AR)
  • Real Estate
  • Cultural and Natural Heritage
  • Medical, Telemedicine (eHealth)
  • Transportation and Geospatial
  • Industry Applications
  • Archival Digital Publications
  • Human Animation, Motion Capture

For more details and registration click here.

May 31 – June 2, 2017: 8th Augmented World Expo (AWE), Santa Clara, CA, USA

AWE (Augmented World Expo) is the world’s largest conference and expo dedicated to AR (augmented reality) and VR (virtual reality).

The event takes place in Santa Clara, California bringing together a mix of CEOs, CTOs, designers, developers, creative agencies, futurists, analysts, investors, and top press in a fantastic opportunity to learn, inspire, partner, and experience first hand the most exciting industry of our times.

AR and VR are bringing superpowers to the people and this year we are on a mission to highlight how to use these Superpowers to Change the World. This year’s conference and expo will showcase speakers, startups, and organizations who are using AR & VR to drive economic growth, encourage empathy and collaboration, democratize healthcare and education, and promote sustainability in the world.


AWE USA 2017 features three full days of on-stage content including our keynote stage, developer workshops and tracks for investors, buyers, designers, and tech enthusiasts.

AWE 6 tracks include:

  • Inspire: our main stage keynote talks by inspiring thought leaders who are exploring how AR and VR are bringing Superpowers to Change the World
  • Design: lectures and discussion on the new user interfaces and design thinking unique to AR & VR
  • Develop: developer workshops on the latest hardware, tools and SDKs to develop for AR/VR platforms
  • Work: use cases and discussions on the impact of AR and VR on the enterprise
  • Life: conversations and presentations on how AR and VR is changing education, healthcare, travel and tourism, news and media and more
  • Startup Pitches: hear pitches from startups innovating in AR & VR

The AWE Expo

AWE USA 2017 features over 100,000 square feet of exhibitor space in the Santa Clara Convention Centre.

This year’s expo floor will showcase:

  • Consumer Pavilion – featuring AR/VR solutions in branding, marketing, social, travel & sports and more
  • Enterprise Pavilion – featuring AR/VR solutions in automotive, oil & gas, construction, aerospace and more
  • Interaction Pavilion – featuring eye-tracking, controllers, haptics and other methods to interact in this new wave of computing
  • Tools Pavilion – featuring 3D capture tools, SDKs, computer vision platforms and other companies equipping developers and designers with the tools they need to create in AR/VR
  • Startup Alley – featuring startups in AR/VR

 For more information and registration check AWE website.

March 18-22, 2017: IEEE Virtual Reality 2017, Los Angeles, CA, USA

The organizers of VR 2017 strongly believe that the free exchange of ideas is vital to our discipline. We wholeheartedly support IEEE president Karen Bartleson’s statement that “science, engineering – and humanity – prosper where there is freedom of movement, association, and communication.” Any authors who are impacted by the recent travel restrictions to the United States are encouraged to contact the general chairs so that arrangements can be made for an alternative form of presentation.

Academics, researchers, industry folks, and VR enthusiasts can participate in a number of ways, including submitting papers, posters, panels, workshops, tutorials, research demos, videos, or exhibiting products. IEEE VR 2017 seeks contributions including, but not limited to, the following topics:

  • Tracking and sensing
  • Input devices for VR/AR/MR
  • Advanced display technology
  • Immersive projection technology
  • Haptics, audio, and other non-visual interfaces
  • Modeling and simulation
  • Computer graphics techniques for VR/AR/MR
  • Virtual humans and avatars
  • Multi-user and distributed VR/AR/MR
  • VR systems and toolkits
  • 3D interaction for VR/AR/MR
  • 3D selection and 3D manipulation
  • Locomotion and navigation in virtual environments
  • User studies and evaluation
  • Perception, presence, virtual embodiment, and cognition
  • Teleoperation and telepresence
  • Applications of VR/AR/MR
  • Ethical issues in VR/AR/MR
  • Interactive storytelling in 360° videos

More details and further reading can be found on IEEE website.

February 23rd, 2017: Augmented and Virtual Reality Conference – Empowering Human, Place, and Business through AR & VR

The 3rd International AR and VR Conference in Manchester, with a theme Empowering Human, Place, and Business through AR & VR, will focus on exploring cutting edge Augmented and Virtual Reality concepts, applications and business models which shape our everyday life, place, and businesses.

The Augmented and Virtual Reality Hub based at Manchester Metropolitan University, UK. It investigates new and innovative ways to implement augmented reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) in the tourism industry.

More details on The Augmented and Virtual Reality Hub site.